“Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place.”

—Henri Nouwen

Redeemer Parishes

A parish traditionally refers to a particular geographic area cared for by a local church. We’ve adopted the term to describe smaller Redeemer communities seeking to cultivate friendship and flourishing in particular parts of the city. Our parish communities are hospitality-forward, and they typically gather for a meal once a month. Each parish also has men's and women's small groups that meet throughout the month to go deeper in our enjoyment of God and one another.

If you would like to visit a parish, send us a message and we'll connect you to the parish nearest to you.


Redeemer Parishes

The simplest way to connect to a parish is sending an email to Justin, one of our pastors. We'd love to help you find a home in this community.

What's happening in the Redeemer Longmont community?

Delight Events

Delight is a big deal to us. We’re regularly creating space for us to delight together around a meal, a shared activity, or fun space in the community. There’s no agenda or structure, simply the opportunity to connect to someone new in the community or bring a friend to something fun. 

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