Our Story

We’re a new, hope-filled community that wants to see our city thriving in every capacity. We don’t claim to have all the answers, nor do we have it all together. Rather, we are broken and bruised people gradually learning the way of Jesus and how he is lovingly restoring people, places, and things back to life.

We exist to embody the redeeming story of Jesus Christ for the good of all people, places, and things.

Our Missional Anchors

Our Missional Anchors guide how we live this out day-to-day. Everything we do as a church is in pursuit of these three rhythms:

Enjoying God Bible

Enjoy God

We pursue knowing God and enjoying him.

Cultivating beauty in Longmont

Cultivate Beauty

We participate in God’s renewing work in every sphere of life.

Love Courageously

We embody the love that brings people, places, and things to life.

Our Beliefs & Affiliations

Though we're a new church, our beliefs are nothing novel. We're simply one church in a grand tradition of historic Christianity rooted in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and summarized in both the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.

We're a member church in the Presbyterian Church in America, and we earnestly value the collaboration, accountability, and visible expression of the gospel that comes through connection to other local churches.

Who We Are Becoming

We long to see broken things made beautiful — those times when a strained friendship does the hard work of repair, when injustice is honestly faced and put right, or when community beautifies a neglected part of the city. Like you, we want to experience and participate in the beauty all around us. And like you, we are acutely aware that not everything is thriving as it should be. 

We’re convinced that Jesus is redeeming all people, places, and things into their original, flourishing design. As Jesus' church, we are slowly learning to live in his story of redemption as he makes beautiful things grow in broken places.

Would you like to taste and see what the redeeming story of Jesus could mean for you? We would love to partner with you on this healing journey in any way we can.